Tuesday 14 October 2014

Saudi Baked Sweet Cheese

Saudi Baked Sweet Cheese

1½ cups white balady cheese or 300 g, unsalted, grated
¾ cup butter or 150 g, melted
1 egg
½ cup NIDO Full Cream Milk Powder or 50 g
1 tin Cream or 170 g
pinch of salt
pinch of sugar
1 cup plain flour or 140 g
½ tablespoon baking powder
1 cup sugar syrup or 250 ml
In a large bowl, combine grated cheese, batter and the egg mix well.
Add milk ,cream , the salt and sugar and mix well.
Combine the flour with the baking powder, then sift over the mixture and mix well.
Spread the mixture in a butter greased round oven tray, 25cm in size and bake in a 160°C preheated oven for 35-40 minutes or until it is done.
Remove from oven, pour the syrup evenly over the cheese and serve.


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